The Shark Tank Success Story

Stakt Yoga Mats

The Shark Tank Success Story

Learn more from inspiring founders Taylor & Millie



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STAKT - As Seen on Shark Tank

In the ever-evolving landscape of their lives, the way Millie and Taylor engaged with fitness underwent a profound transformation. Gone were the days when their workouts were confined to traditional spaces; now, their daily routines seamlessly blended with the comfort of their homes. The visionary Co-Founders behind Stakt, Millie and Taylor, experienced this shift firsthand. Embracing the concept of working out from home, they realized that their yoga mats fell short in providing the necessary support, adaptability, and aesthetic appeal for their dynamic fitness routines.

As they delved into sculpt, pilates, and strength training sessions, Millie and Taylor discovered that their existing mats lacked the versatility required for these intense movements. Constantly rolling up their mats in search of more support and flexibility, they recognized the need for a revolutionary yoga mat that could keep up with their evolving fitness practices. And thus, Stakt Yoga Mats was born.

Based in New York, Stakt Mats are now cited all over the city, and likewise, around the country for Yogi's looking to upgrade! Learn more about the wonderful story of Stakt, and hey, if you're in the Yoga space and you're looking for an upgrade, visit the Stakt store today!

At Igloo we're so excited to be working with such an awesome group, across their social. channels, and being part of the immense growth we've seen in the 2022-2024 period so far!

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